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HomeNatural Resources & Environment Committee

The Natural Resources and Environment Committee holds positions, as approved by league members at the 2023-24 Annual Meeting, on Water Resources, Energy Solutions, Waste Management, Land Use, and Air Quality.  Our Committee operates as a subcommittee of the Advocacy Committee. The committee presents educational information and programs about our environment and advocates for specific issues affecting the quality of natural resources in our  community and Northern Michigan area.


The League of Women Voters Grand Traverse Area (LWVGTA) supports preserving, protecting, and enhancing environmental quality through evaluation of local and regional policies and programs. LWVGTA will review and comment, when appropriate, on projects and activities in the Grand Traverse Area.

   Natural Resources Position June 2023

Point of Transfer Septic Inspection - The League of Women Voters of the Grand Traverse Area (LWV-GTA) encourages the Board of Commissioners to adopt a septic system inspection ordinanceOn Sunday, Dec 15 2024, the Record-Eagle published the Natural Resources & Environment Committee letter in support of Grand Traverse County-Wide Septic System Inspections.  Members of the committee have also spoken regarding the urgency of the board passing a septic code for Grand Traverse County. Approximately 25,000 homes and businesses in the county use septic systems and many of these have not been inspected in a very long time. The County Commissioners have been formulating an ordinance with input from the County Health Department. As of the end of 2024, the ordinance has not been finalized. Write to your commissioner in support of the point of transfer county-wide septic inspections. Our clean waters depend on it.

  Record-Eagle Forum Letter Supporting County-Wide Septic Inspection Ordinance

Camp Grayling Restoration Advisory Board - Our Crawford County Unit (CCU) monitors the investigation and actions by way of the Camp Grayling Restoration Advisory Board (RAB). The RABs provide a collaborative forum for the community, government agencies, tribes, and installation decision makers to discuss and identify the most efficient and productive means to restore the environment. Here is a link to information collected and updated by Kirtland Community College of the Camp Grayling RAB.   Email RAB Camp Grayling

   Camp Grayling RAB Info

Details EGLE Press Release 

These are reports and articles prepared by our Natural Resources and Environment Committee:

Planting for Nature

15 Things Everyone Can Do to Fight Climate Change

Microplastics 101

Recyling Information

PO Box 671

Traverse City, MI 49685

Voicemail: (231) 714-9763